Detonation! Violent Games
First aired on Jan 15, 1976

Genres: Action, Drama

Teruo Ishii's West Side Story, done as a bloody, violent, sexploitative biker gang film. It's the Red Chilis versus the Black Cats, and the chick who just may heal the divide.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Koichi Iwaki | Kazama
Masami Kuwashima |
Yutaka Nakajima | Akemi
Akira Oda | Hanada
Meika Seri |
Eri Kanuma | Mako
Featured Crew
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Teruo Ishii | Director
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Tetsuya Desaki | Director of Photography
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Masuhiro Hirokami | Sound Recordist
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Shigeru Umetani | Lighting Technician
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Fumio Soda | Editor
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Shinichi Hashimoto | Assistant Director