Couch Surf
Release Date: Mar 06, 2014

Genres: Comedy

A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Gabriella Hámori | Erika
Anger Zsolt | Meoro
Mónika Balsai | Feleség
Gergely Kocsis | Sáfár Krisztián
József Gyabronka | Elnök
Vica Kerekes | Lujzi
Featured Crew
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Zsombor Dyga | Director
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Zsombor Dyga | Writer
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Norbert Köbli | Writer
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Ágnes Mészöly | Writer
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Gábor Marosi | Director of Photography
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Judit Czakó | Editor