Im Schatten des Berges
First aired on Dec 17, 1940


In a village near a deadly mountain ascent the people repeatedly have to help climbers in danger who didn't make it to the top, in fact nobody made it yet up there. Hansi Knoteck can't stand anymore the danger after a member of the rescue party dies and demands from Attila Hörbiger that he steps back from participating in his rescue efforts. Finally he relents but the villagers ostracize them. In the meantime Winnie Markus tries to seduce Richard Häußler who makes the life for his wife Viktoria von Ballasko a hell through his infidelities.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Attila Hörbiger | Andreas Aichbichler
Hansi Knoteck | Margret Murhaupt
Winnie Markus | Hedwig Brüggler
Viktoria von Ballasko | Veronika Zumtobel
Franziska Kinz | Anna Bründl, Gattin des Schuhmachers
Elise Aulinger | Johanna Schloißnigg, Gemischtwarenhändlerin
Featured Crew
crew image
Alois Johannes Lippl | Director