The Patient
First aired on Sep 13, 2018

Genres: Drama, History

The true story of Tancredo Neves, the first civilian president of Brazil after a 20-year military dictatorship, and the infamous hospitalization which led to his death before he ever managed to take office.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Othon Bastos | Tancredo Neves
Esther Góes | Risoleta
Leonardo Medeiros | Dr. Pinheiro Rocha
Paulo Betti | Dr. Pinotti
Otávio Müller | Dr. Renault
Emílio Dantas | Britto
Featured Crew
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Sérgio Rezende | Director
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Felipe Machado | Sound
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Tathiana Mourão | Executive Producer
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David Tygel | Music
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Nonato Estrela | Director of Photography
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Adriano Manques | Makeup Designer