The Insult
Release Date: Feb 17, 1983

Genres: TV Movie, Drama

Szása on his day off mends the old automobile of a young couple and goes shopping with his son. In the shop the saleswoman mistakes him to be a drunken customer of the other day and begins to offend him. Szása, for the sake of his son on the first place, wants to clear the misunderstanding up. At the end he is beaten up and humiliated.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Géza Tordy | Apa
Ilona Kállay | Róza, eladónő
István Szatmári | Ballonkabátos
Sándor Suka | Idős vendég
Piroska Molnár | Anya
Vajda László | Fiatal vendég
Featured Crew
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Péter Bacsó | Director
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Vaszilij Suksin | Writer
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Szabolcs Fényes | Sound