Club Life
First aired on Feb 20, 1986

Genres: Action, Drama

A young man from a small town goes to Hollywood to make his fortune. He gets hired as a bouncer at a disco club, but soon finds himself caught up in drugs, gangsters and eventually has to flee when his boss and another bouncer are murdered by drug dealers, who are soon after him.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Tom Parsekian | Cal
Michael Parks | Tank
Kristine DeBell | Fern
Jamie Barratt | Sissy
Tony Curtis | Hector
Ron Kuhlman | The Doctor
Featured Crew
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Norman Thaddeus Vane | Director
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Norman Thaddeus Vane | Screenplay
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Norman Thaddeus Vane | Story
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Bleu McKenzie | Associate Producer
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Norman Thaddeus Vane | Producer
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Bleu McKenzie | Story