First aired on Sep 5, 2020

Genres: Comedy

"Kuyup" tells the story of a family consisting of a father and son, who is crushed by the economy due to a pandemic. The child wants a smart phone for online school

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Ananta Rispo | Dirinya sendiri (ayah)
Arif Alfiansyah | Bukan orang lain (anak)
Hifdzi Khoir | Orang yang itu
Rigen Rakelna | mana mestinya
Indra Frimawan | walikota
Featured Crew
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GJLS | Producer
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Sutan Baihaqi | Line Producer
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Rigen Rakelna | Director
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Reza Franklin | Director of Photography
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Fachrie Fachrurozi | Director of Photography
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Muhammad Fikry Noviansyah | Graphic Designer