Tetsuro Tamba's Great Spirit World: What Happens When You Die
First aired on Jan 14, 1989


Visualization based on Tetsuro Tamba's best-selling "Great Reikai". A story about a physicist who dies in an accident and experiences the afterlife as a spirit. The leading role is Tamba Tetsuro's biological son, Tamba Yoshitaka.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Yoshitaka Tanba | 曽我隆
エブリン・ブリンクリー | エルザ・ギルバート (Elsa Gilbert)
Gin Maeda | 的場常雄
Shigeru Kōyama | 服部稔
Kohji Moritsugu | 戸田武
Masumi Harukawa | 五十嵐玉緒
Featured Crew
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Tetsuro Tamba | Idea
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Tetsuro Tamba | General Manager
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原徹郎 | Creative Director
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Kōzō Okazaki | Cinematography
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Tetsuro Tamba | Writer
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溝田佳奈 | Writer