A Year in the Life
First Aired: Sep 16, 1987

Genres: Drama

Following the success of the three-part miniseries of the same name, the drama series follows the daily lives of Seattle's Gardner family. Joe Gardner is the owner of a successful plastics business and the father of four adult children. The Gardner family includes twice-divorced daughter Anne, who returns home with her two teenaged children; daughter Lindley and husband Jim, parents of a newborn baby daughter; black sheep son Jack; and conservative youngest son Sam, newly married to free-spirited Kay.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Richard Kiley | Joe Gardner
Trey Ames | David Sisk
Adam Arkin | Jim Eisenberg
Jayne Atkinson | Lindley Gardner Eisenberg
David Oliver | Sam Gardner
Sarah Jessica Parker | Kay Erickson
Featured Crew
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Joshua Brand | Executive Producer
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Stephen Cragg | Producer
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John Falsey | Executive Producer
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Pamela Malouf | Editor