The Bots Master
First aired on Sep 1, 1993

Genres: Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy

The Bots Master is a 1993 cartoon series, produced by Jean Chalopin through his company "Creativite et Developpement" in France. In total 40 episodes were made, each one having a special 3D segment and titles. The series was co-produced by Avi Arad and Associates. The show also had a toyline based on it.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Ian James Corlett |
Mark Hildreth |
Michael Donovan |
Richard Ian Cox |
Janyse Jaud |
Dale Wilson |
Featured Crew
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Jean Chalopin | Creator
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Avi Arad | Creator
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Alain Garcia | Music
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Gilbert Courtois | Sound Designer
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Xavier Picard | Director
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Mark Taylor | Producer