Ustad Milenial
First aired on Apr 12, 2021

Genres: Drama, Family

After graduating from a famous Islamic school, Ahmad has a plan to continue his study in Cairo, Egypt to become a preacher. Everything seems on the track until his father passes away and mandates Ahmad to continue their family business.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Arbani Yasiz | Ahmad
Prilly Latuconsina | Khadijah
Yoriko Angeline | Susan
Umay Shahab | Timbo
Endy Arfian | Ibrahim
Hanggini Purinda Retto | Aisyah
Featured Crew
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Devina Sofiyanti | Screenplay
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Hestu Saputra | Director
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Yudi Datau | Cinematography
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Galang Galih | Cinematography
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Eko Kristianto | Producer
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Andhy Pulung | Supervising Editor