First Aired: Apr 13, 1983

Genres: Drama, Action & Adventure

A four-part drama adaptation about the life of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. Based on Shackleton’s own journals. In 1914 Ernest Shackleton chooses to lead a team on their famous journey aboard the Endurance. When the ship is trapped and crushed by pack-ice, Shackleton and five of his men embark on a desperate 800-mile journey from Elephant Island to South Georgia.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Michael Hayward | ‘Putty’ Marston
David Schofield | Sir Ernest Shackleton
David Rodigan | Frank Wild
Featured Crew
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Adam Clapham | Executive Producer
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Bill Bonner | Property Buyer
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Steve Connelly | Graphic Designer
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John Harris | Producer
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David Whitson | Director of Photography
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Reg Samuel | Costume Designer