Floral Magician Mary Bell
First Aired: Feb 03, 1992

Genres: Animation, Drama

Floral Magician Mary Bell, or known as Magical Heroes, is the fourth and last magical girl anime by Ashi Productions. The fifty-episode series first aired in Japan from 1992 until 1993. It has also been broadcast in Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Taiwan, China, France, Poland, Thailand, and in most Arab countries. The series was adapted as a theatrical film and two educational films. The DVD version was released on March 20, 2004.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Koji Tsujitani | Jead
Hiroko Maruyama | Bababeru Fon De Kasse
Featured Crew
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Tetsuya Endo | Director
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Hideyuki Tanaka | Sound Director
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Tamiya Tsuchida | Producer
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Tomoyuki Taguchi | Producer
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Takako Ishiguro | Music