First Aired: Sep 04, 1999

Genres: Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Pintados is a Philippine television series produced by GMA Network and directed by Mark Reyes. This action-adventure series is about five ordinary teenagers chosen and trained to become superheroes that will save and protect the human from the rage of evil forces. This series is considered to be the very first and earliest fantasy series on Philippine television.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Michael Flores | Daniel Cervantes / Datu
Michael Flores | Daniel Cervantes / Datu
Angelika dela Cruz | Reewa Zulueta / Diwata
Vandolph | Antonio Sto. Domingo / Tattoo
Assunta de Rossi | Maya Feliciano / Mayumi
Sherwin OrdoƱez | Pido Zapata / Kidlat