30 million
First Aired: Oct 05, 2024

Genres: Drama, Crime

Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimistic but doesn’t earn much, which frustrates Yuko and her only joy is her son. One day, a misfortune strikes the Sasaki family, and a momentary lapse in judgment drastically changes their lives. Peculiar characters disrupt their peace, leading to chaos as hidden desires and wishes come to the surface.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Yumi Adachi | Yuuko Sasaki
Munetaka Aoki | Yoshiaki Sasaki
Masaki Kaji | Kamachi
Haruka Kudo | Mai Hashimoto
Yoshihiro Nozoe | Seigo Okushima
Mamoru Hagiwara | Osada