Growing Up
First Aired: Jun 02, 1997

Genres: Drama

Growing Up is a Filipino youth-oriented series aired on GMA Network from 1997 to 1999. Produced by GMA Network and VIVA Television, the show aired every Wednesday as a primetime drama series, which serves as a sequel to TGIS. The show was reaired in GMA7's late weeknight/early morning block from 2000 to 2001 as part of the network's 50th anniversary celebrations.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Angelu de Leon | Ma. Patrice "Peachy" Real
Bobby Andrews | Joaquin "Wacks" Torres III
Onemig Bondoc | Jose Mari "JM" Rodriguez
Red Sternberg | Francisco Martin "Kiko" Arboleda de Dios
Michael Flores | Miguel "Mickey" Ledesma
Donna Cruz | Stephanie Enriquez
Featured Crew
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Kit Villanueva Langit | Writer
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Leny C. Parto | Producer
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Neal Del Rosario | Executive Producer
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Mark A. Reyes | Director