First Aired: Oct 03, 2000

Genres: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy

Hibiki Tokai, a male third-class laborer from Taraak, ends up stuck on a battleship after a botched attempt at stealing a robot. When female pirates capture the Taraakian Vanguard, things don't look like they could get any worse.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Michiko Neya | Barnette Orangello
Hideki Tasaka | Duelo McFile
Yuu Asakawa | Jura Basil Elden
Tomokazu Seki | Bart Garsus
Megumi Toyoguchi | Parfet Balblair
Hisako Kyoda | Magno Vivan
Featured Crew
crew image
Takeshi Mori | Series Director