First Aired: Mar 01, 2014


Without sleep, the human body can not exist forever. In one of the underground casinos, more like a secret club, they play only the richest, the most influential and ... the most sated. Those who are willing to put a fortune on red, if it is red - blood. For them, and was created a new tote, based on the game "Insomnia", which is held only once a year. The casino customers risk millions by betting, but the players risk much more.

Featured Cast: click image to view more
Maciej Stuhr | Игорь Волков, главный судья
Anna Antonova | Злата, судья
Darya Poverennova | Марина Викторовна Ивлева, вдова Андрея
Eduard Flerov | Игорь Коваль, игрок 8
Vladislav Pavlov | Игорь Коваль, игрок 3
Yuliya Yurchenko | Дарья Коренева, игрок 4
Featured Crew
crew image
Ilya Kulikov | Writer